Friday, February 10, 2012

BMR samples

A Handicap Van for a Special Little Girl

When I started working as a car sales person I found my area I wanted to work in. It was a busy day and I saw some costumers walk in with their little girl in a wheelchair. She was so sweet and she really touched my heart. They were looking for handicap vans so that they could easily put their daughter’s wheelchair in.

As hard as I tried we had no handicap vans in stock so I started searching for information on vans. I found information on grants for them and information on used vans. I found information on modifying vans and the different types of ramps. The more I searched the more I found and the family was so thankful for all of my help. It felt very good to help a family that has more than enough of their share of problems. The thanks that I got made me happy for weeks so I decided to try to help families get handicap accessible vans.

The Handicap Vans for the Special Campers

When I was a camp counselor I found out that I could work in a special department of the parks department. I decided to transfer to working with the special needs kids. They were so excited to be packed up in our handicap vans to go on our camp outing.

I loved seeing all of their faces light up as we got everything ready. It was also nice to not have 30 campers at a time. I was responsible for 5 campers and they were so sweet. I had a helper and the nurse was with us as well. As our handicap van pulled up to the camp site the campers started cheering. We had so much fun for a week and I really enjoyed spending the time with my girls. They went swimming and we roasted marshmallows by the fire to make smores. We told ghost stories and stayed up late. I felt like a kid again.

The Handicap Van to Go to the Mall

When I was searching for a handicap van for my son I found lots of different options. The main thing I realized is that I can get grants but it was not going to be an easy process. Then I noticed how his face lite up when we said we were going out. He stayed at the house most of the time and I felt bad that he didn’t get all of the normal experiences that my other kids got.

I decided that I had to pursue getting the handicap van for him. I wanted to take him to the mall and to the park. I wanted him to meet new people and have friends that he could visit. I wanted him to enjoy going out and not just go out to the doctor’s appointments. I tried to take him to church as much as I could but it was so hard to fit his wheelchair in the minivan.

The Handicap Van at the Zoo

 I was sitting in the park on day by the local zoo and just watching people. I watched the kids with their parents play together and go to the zoo. Then I watched a handicap van pull up. It was interesting to watch the healthcare workers get all of the wheelchairs out with the excited people. They were going on a field trip to the zoo. They were older adults but I could hear them and they reminded me more of kids. I couldn’t help but smile to myself as I watched them.

I went about my day and returned to my spot on the park bench later that day. I hoped that I would see the handicap van as I sat down. I wanted to see how the people enjoyed their day at the zoo. I did not see it as I looked around. I felt a little disappointed but I could imagine how much fun they had.

My Grandmother’s Handicap Van Escapades

My grandmother loved her handicap van. She maintained her independence even while she was unable to walk around anymore. We went everywhere in that van and she was able to get her wheelchair in and out and even drive. It amazed me at how they were able to modify the van especially for her needs. The driver seat was removed and the lift would pull her wheelchair to the driving seat position. She would strap herself in and use hand controls to drive the van.

I loved watching her drive. I know it made her feel normal and free. She and I would go to the grocery store to shop and even to the movies together. My grandmother really was my best friend. When she passed away I could not get rid of her handicap van. It reminded me too much of her. Then I realized that she would not want me to hold on to it. She would want someone else to be able to use it.

Finding a Good Home for the Handicap Van

I finally brought myself to the point to think about giving up my grandmother’s handicap van. I would cry because I missed her so much since she passed away. I knew she wouldn’t be around forever, but I still wasn’t prepared for her to go. We went everywhere together in that van, so when she first passed away, I would sit in the van and listen to our music and cry.

My mom said she was worried about me grieving so much, for so long. She said that my grandma would not want me to be holding on her van crying every day. She was right so I told my mom we could find a good home for the van. We put in ad in the paper and waited. We got a call on day from a young man who was looking for a handicap van for his dad. It was exactly what they needed and I know that grandma would be happy to be able to help someone one last time.

The Wheelchair Van for My Son

When my son was born premature at 25 weeks I had no idea what a rollercoaster ride we would be going on. It was extremely touch and go at first and we definitely took it one day at a time. He was so tiny at 1 pound 2 ounces I had no idea that one day we would need one of those specially modified wheelchair vans.

He was in the hospital for so many months and finally they said he would be able to go home soon on oxygen, no need for any special equipment especially a wheelchair van. He took a turn for the worse and we had to fly him down state to a specialty children’s hospital. They were not sure if he was going to make it and that was the worst time of my life. He is a fighter and he did pull through. His lungs were severely damaged and he had to get a tracheostomy and g-tube.

Our Ride Home in a Wheelchair Van

When my son finally came home from the children’s hospital down state we needed a lot more equipment then we ever thought. We had to have a ventilator. They were hoping that just the tracheostomy would be enough to help him but he needed the extra support for his tiny damaged lungs. The trip back up home was arranged in one of the hospitals special wheelchair vans.

I had no idea that one day we would need one of these wheelchair vans for ourselves. After we got home we had a lot of adjusting to do. He was very medically fragile and would go down really fast if he disconnect from the ventilator. It was so scary for the first 5 or 6 months I don’t think we slept very much if we didn’t have a homecare nurse. He had a couple of really sick spells where he went back into the hospital and he had a couple of close calls where he almost lost his life.

Our Shiny New Wheelchair Van

Now that my premature son is two years old he is delayed. He has a trach and g-tube so he does not talk and he does not like to eat by mouth. He is not walking yet and he is still on a ventilator at night. So we had to order him a wheelchair and we are looking into getting one of the modifications for wheelchair vans accessibility.

It is amazing how much your life changes when you have a special needs child. Well my sister in law told me that her dad used to do the modifications to make a standard van one of the wheelchair vans so I asked her to help me look into it. It turns out that I can get assistance from Medicaid or real services to have our van changed over so that is what we did. It is much easier to have the wheelchair get lifted into the van. I can take him out without much help now and I am really glad.

The Wheelchair Van was My Clue

When I worked as a homecare nurse I never knew what to expect when I was sent on a new case. I hadn’t been to a particular case before and I was sent there at 6 am. When I arrived no one answered the door. I knew this was the right place because I saw the wheelchair ramp and one of those wheelchair vans sitting out front.

The dog was standing by the front door waiting for me to come inside. You can imagine my confusion and apprehension. I looked again at the wheelchair van and decided to go forward. I turned the knob and the door opened. It was not unusual for the doors to be unlocked and the expectation that you would just walk in. This was unusual because I had not been there before but as I walked in I said hello. The dog was now barking at me and I heard a faint hello come in.

The Dog Wanted to Go for a Ride in the Wheelchair Van

The day that I started on a new case as a homecare nurse my only clue that I was at the right door was the wheelchair van. My patient was lying in his bed and I heard a faint hello come in. I went in and introduced myself he proceeded to tell me that he had a busy day planned. He needed total care and I was very busy all morning. He told me step by step everything that he needed to be done which helped a lot.

He also told me that he had a doctor’s appointment that afternoon. I had him dressed, fed, up in his wheelchair and ready for the wheelchair van for transport since we are not allowed to drive the patients to their appointment for insurance reasons. The van arrived and I opened the door and the dog ran outside. This was just the beginning of my adventures with this particular patient.

The Excitement When Seeing the Wheelchair Vans

When I worked at the nursing home it was busy and I grew to love the residents. They had a community and I enjoyed being a part of it. Occasionally they would plan outings in the wheelchair vans to movies or restaurants. They would be so excited to be leaving the facility and getting out having some fun. We would go along to help if we had the time.

 I was never able to go because I was working but I always enjoyed when I saw the wheelchair vans pull up because there was so much excitement in the air. They looked so happy getting their coats on and lining up in their wheelchairs for their field trip. It was a lot like field trips in school. They were so chatty and lively when they returned. They happily gave all the details and shared their stories. They were so thrilled to have eaten what they wanted and not have to eat the food prepared from the kitchen.

From Motivation to Handicap Vans

I was watching a show about a woman who did not have legs and her goals in life. She wanted to drive and it amazed me how much they could modify handicap vans to help accomplish these tasks. I believe that everyone should have the same opportunities whether they are handicapped or not. I was impressed by her determination and drive. I really believe that sometimes having a difficulty in life can make you want to work harder. She did not want to give in and just accept that she could not do something she worked to overcome her difficulties.

The more I thought about this the more it made me ashamed to not work harder to achieve my goals. I went to college to become a nurse but I did not pursue my education further. I wanted to go to school for my nurse practitioner and work in a doctor’s office. Now whenever I see handicap vans I think of my goals and what I could do to pursue them.

The Amazing Modifications of Handicap Vans

I was thinking about trying to purchase a handicap van for my special needs son. He has a wheelchair and it would be much easier to take him places if I had a place for the wheelchair. I decided to look online and see what I could find. I found that I can buy a van already modified used which is not a bad option. I found lots of information about the ramp style and resale value. The ramp can go from the side of the van or the back of the van.

I found out about all the different modifications that can be done to handicap vans such as hand controls, driving aids, wheelchair tie downs, lifts and platform carriers, portable wheelchair ramps and so much more. It really is amazing how much they can do to vans to help people with special needs. All I need is a wheelchair accessible van although wheelchair tie downs would be nice so I wouldn’t have to get him out of his wheelchair at all.

Hand Controls in Handicap Vans

My friend was searching online for handicap vans. We found that they can come with hand control that gives people with physical disabilities the capability to drive using alternate methods. The hand controls come in a variety of structures specified to the user’s needs and wants. The hand controls can have many different configurations and can be paired with a variety of steering wheel options to accommodate many different driving systems.

The hand controls are pretty cool because they allow the driver to operate both the brake and gas pedal using levers. My friend was looking up the handicap vans because he had a stroke and would like to have his freedom back and driving was a big part of that to him. He was never dependent on anyone else, he was never married and for him to have to rely on other people was a big blow to his self-esteem. I hope that he will regain as much of his freedom that he possibly can.

Lots of Different Driving Aids for Handicap Vans

As we were searching for handicap vans we found lots of neat driving aids. These aids are used to assist with the mobility needs of a driver to even operate a non-modified van. Some of the aides include pedal extensions for gas and brake pedals which gap the distance from your foot to the gas or brake pedal. It is customizable according to your height. Another of the aids is a handy bar that is designed for helping people get in and out of almost every type of vehicle.

This is a great idea to help people to use their current vehicles if they need a driving aid they can access it without have to buy a new handicap van or modify their current vehicles. Personally I would rather have a person to drive me around but I understand why some people like to drive themselves. Just because they have a physical challenge doesn’t mean that they should not have the option to drive if that is what they wish.

There are Many Different Handicap Van Grants

Money is tight these days. I know that I am constantly struggling just to make ends meet. When I ended up needing a handicap van because my husband was in a car accident I didn’t know what to do. Now that he was not able to work I was really going to be strapped for cash. I began searching for ways to get help with obtain a van for my husband.

I found out that there are many different grants and funds out there to help assist people to buy handicap vans. The initial step of the process was to gather up all of the information that would be needed to fill out the application for the grant. Next I needed to write out what my intentions were for the grant money if it was awarded to me. I needed to obtain a copy of my husband’s medical records in which I highlighted what his disability is and the severity of its impact on our lives.

Where to buy wheelchair vans in Texas?

If you need help getting around, and are looking for a more independent lifestyle, look no further than Advanced Mobility Vans.  They specialize in wheelchair vans in Texas.  They have a large inventory of not only vans, but also trucks, motorcycles – yes, motorcycles, too.  One of the more creative vehicles they have is a golf cart that can enable the handicapped individual to “stand” and golf.  They offer new and used varieties of some of the most high tech assistant vehicles out there.  Of course, they also offer products to enhance the vehicle you may already own, such as wheelchair lifts and ramps.

So, if you’re looking for wheelchair vans in Texas, this is the place to go.  You can call or simply go down and check out their inventory for yourself.  They have a very interactive website which also gives you an opportunity to see their commercials.  Just to give you a little better idea of how their items can benefit you and your need to be independent.

Looking for wheelchair vans in Texas

My husband and I were in need of finding a place that sold wheelchair vans in Texas.  We were part of a support group for parents of children with physical disabilities.  During one meeting, a member suggested we try AMS.  We checked them out online first and found that their site was extremely easy to navigate.  They had some vehicles with actual pictures instead of the fancy ad-type ones. 

The one thing that convinced us the most that this was the place for wheelchair vans in Texas, were the testimonials from customers also located on the opening page.  You could tell they weren’t just generic, but emotion-filled and honest.  We checked out the rest of their site, but really all we needed was right there on their front page.  We headed over the next day and saw their inventory first hand.  We also checked out some of the options they had for making adjustments to our current vehicle.

So many ads for wheelchair vans in Texas

I was on Craigslist looking for a new car.  I couldn’t believe all of the ads I saw for wheelchair vans in Texas.  It just seemed odd.  How many handicapped vans could there really be for sale?  Ignoring them, I went about my business hunting for that one car I couldn’t live without.  I found a few I thought could be it, contacted the sellers and headed off to work.

A few days later, after turning down the ones I’d already contacted, I was back on in search of a car.  Again, I kept seeing ads in large numbers for wheelchair vans in Texas.  My curiosity finally got the best of me, so I clicked on one to see what was going on.  It seemed like a legitimate ad.  There were some pictures and a short description.  The price seemed a bit off, so with my curiosity still peaked, I clicked on the link.  Unfortunately, as soon as I did, my entire computer crashed.  So that’s why they were overpopulating the ad space.  It was spam that linked to a virus.  My parents were not happy at all since I’d been on their computer at the time.  I spend all of my savings buying them a new computer, instead of the car I wanted.

Steps in buying wheelchair vans in Texas

When looking for wheelchair vans in Texas, one of the best resources is utilizing the web.  Searching online can yield dozens, if not hundreds of choices and once you’ve narrowed it down to just a few, you can begin the real research.  For those that are close, I would suggest simply driving out to take a look.  Make sure to take notes of other dealer’s prices if they are selling the same vehicle and a list of average costs on some of the upgrade materials.

The last step to getting wheelchair vans in Texas is no different than any other vehicle purchase.  You need to fill out a credit application and apply for financing.  So obviously you’ll want to make sure your credit is in good enough shape that gets you the best deal on a loan as possible.  These types of vehicles can be pretty expensive since they are modified in various ways to accommodate the disabled.

Some information about wheelchair vans in Texas

One of the varieties of vehicles that accommodate special needs men and women is a wheelchair van. They offer the comfort and aid for just an individual with disabilities to journey without difficulty. You will discover that a wheelchair has some features such as, with transportation, the racks you may anchor to the back of your respective vehicle, nevertheless they do not offer you or even the human being any kind of ease or comfort that wheelchair vans present. It is much easier to buy wheelchair vans in Texas.

They can come equipped with chair lifts, or at least the majority of them do. These chair lifts can decrease to your floor and permit the individual to roll onto the platform, and then lifts them into the auto. When lifted, they roll right in and also have the choice to both anchor you to the ground, or for your particular person to easily transfer on their own around onto an exact van seat. The significantly less they've got to count on other folks, the higher they will experience about themselves. If you need help to buy wheelchair vans in Texas, you can find it online.

Coming back with wheelchair vans in Texas

I made a decision when I had my accident that I was not about to sit about and just permit everyday living go by. I was informed that I might never stroll yet again. I used to be a paraplegic and now I'd personally be in the wheelchair. I labored difficult as a result of physical remedy to develop up my upper power. It took me some time to deal with the truth that I could not truly feel my legs. When it absolutely was time to be released in the rehab facility I begun to consider trying to invest in wheelchair vans in Texas.

My mother and father reported that they desired that can help me but I have always been unbiased. The considered subject to them for anything made me truly feel worthless. I talked using the social worker about acquiring a used wheelchair vans in Texas that will help me with my mobility. I desired in order to drive and get sites by myself. She comprehended my emotions and informed me she would support me.

Independence in wheelchair vans in Texas

Right after my crash that claimed my skill to stroll and place me inside a wheelchair I needed to find an applied wheelchair vans in Texas. The social worker agreed and set about that can help me obtain a grant. I was very thankful considering the fact that I've been within the hospital for countless months we have practically depleted my price savings. I had a great deal of paper operate to fill out and she helped me with it all, she was brilliant.

As the day came nearer to my release with the rehab facility I had been beginning to get so nervous. I'd personally really have to wait around to receive my used wheelchair vans in Texas and I had to rely on my dad and mom to just take me all over the place. I felt just like a minor child yet again, I hated it. Once the social worker known as and advised me that the funding had gone through and that she was looking into which van to obtain I was absolutely thrilled.

Renewed relief in wheelchair vans in Texas

As my mom and dad and I pulled approximately by the dealership to pick out my applied wheelchair vans in Texas the thrill was astounding. I felt just like a child at Christmas time. Under no circumstances in my everyday living would I have imagined that I would be wheelchair certain. I used to be so productive and beloved to enjoy sports activities. My friends and I'd personally join softball, soccer, and anything else we could. At any time given that I had been a minor I used to be unbiased and when I turned eighteen I moved out.

Now an auto accident has claimed my skill to walk. At the outset I had been quite frustrated but then I realized I'm nonetheless alive. I still have dwelling to accomplish I'm only twenty-three and I’m not a quitter. My parents required me to move in with them so they can assistance me and which was great temporarily. We have no intention on staying living at your home they just don’t realize that nevertheless. The first move is receiving my utilized wheelchair vans in Texas making sure that I can generate myself wherever I want to go.

A miracle and wheelchair vans in Texas

When my son was born premature at twenty-three weeks I'd no idea what a rollercoaster ride we'd be really going on. It had been very touch and go to start with and we certainly took it just one day at a time. He was so small at one pound two ounces I had no plan that just one day we'd need to have one of those specifically modified wheelchair vans in Texas.

He was in the hospital for a great number of months and eventually they claimed he might be in a position to go house soon on oxygen, no need for any specific products primarily a wheelchair vans in Texas. He took a convert for a whole lot worse and we needed to fly him down condition to a specialty children’s hospital. They had been undecided if he was going to make it and which was the worst time of my lifestyle. He is a fighter and he did pull through.

Are those wheelchair vans in Texas?

When I worked at being a homecare nurse I never understood what to anticipate when I had been sent on a new scenario. I hadn’t been to a distinct situation ahead of and I had been sent there at six in the morning. When I arrived no one answered the door. I knew this was the correct put since I saw the wheelchair ramp and among individuals wheelchair vans in Texas sitting out in the entrance.

A puppy was standing right inside of the entry door waiting for me to come inside of it. You can think about my confusion and apprehension. I peered yet again at the wheelchair vans in Texas and chose to go ahead. I turned the knob as well as door opened. It absolutely was not unusual for the doors for being unlocked and the expectation that you simply would just stroll in. This was unusual for the reason that I'd not been there just before but as I walked in I reported hello there. The puppy was now barking at me and I noticed a faint good day can be found in.

Joy in wheelchair vans in Texas

When I labored on the nursing household it absolutely was fast paced and I grew to like the residents. That they had a community and I enjoyed getting an element of it. Occasionally they'd program outings inside the wheelchair vans in Texas to videos or eating places. They would be so thrilled to generally be leaving the facility and obtaining out getting some enjoyment. We'd go along to assist if we had some time.

I had been in no way able to go due to the fact I had been doing work but I normally experienced when I saw the wheelchair vans in Texas pull up mainly because there was a great deal pleasure during the air. They appeared so happy finding their coats on and lining up in their wheelchairs for their subject trip. It absolutely was a whole lot like subject journeys in school. They have been so chatty and lively if they returned. They happily gave each of the points and shared their stories. They have been so delighted to obtain eaten what they wished and never really have to try to eat the food well prepared within the kitchen area.

Investing in wheelchair vans in Texas

I was thinking about attempting to invest in wheelchair vans in Texas for my particular needs son. He features a wheelchair and it could be substantially easier to get him places if I'd a spot for that wheelchair. I decided to seem on-line and see what I could come across. I discovered that I can purchase a van currently modified employed and that is not a nasty possibility. I found a lot of data concerning the ramp style and resale value. The ramp can go in the aspect in the van or perhaps the back again of the van.

I found out about the many various modifications which can be carried out to wheelchair vans in Texas such as hand controls, driving aids, wheelchair tie downs, lifts and platform carriers, transportable wheelchair ramps and so much more. It truly is awesome just how much they'll do to vans that will help folks with special needs. All I want is a wheelchair accessible van loving the fact that wheelchair tie downs would be wonderful so I wouldn’t have to get him out of his wheelchair in any way.

Modification in wheelchair van in Texas

My companion was searching on-line for wheelchair vans in Texas. We uncovered they can arrive with hand control that provides individuals with bodily disabilities the capability to drive making use of alternate methods. The hand controls can be found in a range of constructions specified on the users requires and wants. The hand controls might have lots of distinct configurations and can be paired with a number of steering wheel solutions to support quite a few unique driving techniques.

The hand controls are very interesting because they let the driver to operate both equally the brake and fuel pedal utilizing levers. My companion was on the lookout up the wheelchair vans in Texas for the reason that he had a stroke and would like to possess his flexibility back again and driving was a huge part of that to him. He was under no circumstances dependent on everyone else, he was in no way married and for him to get to rely on others was a big blow to his self-esteem. I hope that he'll regain as a great deal of his independence that he potentially can.

Changes in wheelchair vans in Texas

While we were searching for wheelchair vans in Texas we found lots of neat driving aids. These aids are used to assist with the mobility needs of a driver to even operate a non-modified van. Some of the aides include pedal extensions for gas and brake pedals which gap the distance from your foot to the gas or brake pedal. It is customizable according to your height. Another of the aids is a handy bar that is designed for helping people get in and out of almost every type of vehicle.

This is a great idea to help people to use their current vehicles if they need a driving aid they can access it without have to buy a new wheelchair vans in Texas or modify their current vehicles. Personally I would rather have a person to drive me around but I understand why some people like to drive themselves. Just because they have a physical challenge doesn’t mean that they should not have the option to drive if that is what they wish.

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