Friday, February 10, 2012

BMR sample 6

Free energy: A Technology in the future

One piece of technology in the future that I’d like to see is free energy.  How nice would it be to never see another electric bill, or gas bill?  I don’t know about any of you, but for our almost three-thousand square foot house, we spend on both of those bills almost five hundred dollars a month.  Can you believe: five hundred dollars, just on energy?  That’s absolutely crazy.  No middle class family can survive like this, and especially if prices keep climbing.

So, yeah, when I think of a certain technology in the future it absolutely includes finding a solution to our energy problem.  Become less dependent on large companies sucking our wallets dry and finding a way to be self-sufficient.  Solar panels are a good start, but when you consider the cost of each panel, you may as well go to college, accrue student loans, and specialize in developing a new source of energy.

Technology in the future: What about Transporters?

I think the ultimate technology in the future would have to be a transporter.  How cool would it be to step into a chamber and find yourself millions of miles away in some tropical paradise.  Parents bugging you?  Boss being too demanding?  Step into your personal transporter and away you go.  Anywhere you could imagine, you can go. 

Or even if you feel like zipping out with your spouse for a quick French cuisine dining directly in a small french café.  The possibilities of this technology in the future are so limitless.  And by far the most amusing.  Not even touching on the scientific aspect, which, unfortunately would require them to basically tear you apart, atom by atom and reassemble you on the other side.  Oh, well, everything we do in life could have negative consequences, why let that stop us from experiencing the awesomeness that is a transporter.  I would be the first in line… even if I didn’t come out quite the same on the other side.

How about replicators as a Technology in the future?

How many of you ever watched Star Trek? Have you ever notice the replicator?  You know the small device that would pop out any item right there at their very command?  Talk about a technology in the future!  Simply tell a machine that you’d like a piece of delicious cheesecake.  And it just appears right there in front of you, more yummy than you ever imagined.

Of course, there would be so much more potential besides simply ordering junk food.  Anything you’d need, just ask, and the technology in the future, that wonderful replicator, would award you anything your heart desires.  A new wardrobe, maybe even a new car.  Perhaps it would make more sense if you had to replicate something based on an image.  I think in the show they simply commanded it and it was there.  I don’t know if I could see that level of technology in my lifetime.  One can certainly hope for such things.

Technology in the future: Forging universal friendships

I’ve always wondered what it would be like to have a universal communicator.  That’s technology in the future, but no so much in the far future.  It could be a small, hand held device much like a typical smartphone, but without the long distance fees and roaming charges.  It would have the capability to translate any video conversation as it was happening.  Think about the bridges that could be forged between cultures when everyone can communicate on the same level with one another.

I often wonder about different types of technology in the future.  The implications some of them could have on our society, meaning the whole world.  A communication device such as that could be more beneficial than anyone could imagine.  Completely eliminate the language barriers.  Something so simple could end wars, bring peace to places that haven’t seen it in centuries, and perhaps even help with global hunger.  When it becomes less about a face on a screen and more about the actual person and hearing first hand.  That’s power.

Technology in the future can create a cure for all

Here’s something to think about as far as a technology in the future: an ultimate cure.  Not just a cure for this, or a cure for that, but a cure that could be created that would heal any wound, any sickness.  A world where you didn’t have to watch your child die of cancer.  Where they got to live and grow and experience life without the pain and suffering.  Where no diagnosis could be a death sentence.

This one hits especially close to home considering I’m battling a blood clotting disorder.  I don’t even get the privilege of a time frame; I could go at any moment.  Just bam and it’s all over.  So let this be a most important technology in the future.  Let all of us have the opportunity to make our marks on the world and try to make it a better place.  Who knows, maybe the ultimate cure could even help to heal our planet.  No more famine, nor more plagues.

Fountain of Youth: Technology in the future?

As a woman, I’ve often considered what it would be like if we ever found the legendary “Fountain of Youth”.  Would cosmetic surgery be a thing of the past?  Could the technology in the future in essence create a sort of fountain?  Everlasting youth?  Imagine never growing old and wrinkly.  Always maintaining your youthful vigor.  That would be a sight to see.  You may never again have to yell at the eighty-something year old driving wildly in front of you.  Just thinking of some up sides!

Then again, you’d have to consider the implications of such a discovery.  Could that kind of technology in the future actually do more harm than good?  How overpopulated would the world get if you stayed young forever?  What kind of social structure would be created due to the change in the population?  How would that affect governments and such?  As much as we crave to maintain our youthfulness, I have no doubt that something of that nature could ultimately be our demise.

Technology in the future: Protection you can count on

Okay, so maybe I spent too much time watching Star Trek growing up, but wouldn’t a neat technology in the future be force fields?  Now, I’m thinking on a much smaller scale than surrounding the entire planet.  You know personal force fields.  The kind that if a bully on the playground tries to steal your lunch money, you could whip it out and block him.  Maybe the size of a small cell phone. Nothing too extravagant, just enough to do the job.  I bet school bullying would go down a great deal.

Now, in order for this system to work properly, as with any technology in the future, you’d have to implement a few rules.  One would be that no person ever convicted of a crime shall be allowed to carry a force field.  No person found to be mentally unstable shall carry a force field.  Maybe just limit it to women and children.  Reduce bullying, mugging and rapes.  That sound pretty darn good to me.

Technology in the future: Was man meant to fly?

One advance in the technology in the future is the invention of flying cars.  We’ve all seen the cartoon where they’re in the flying cars, I’m sure, and imagined as kids how cool it would be to zip through the air, no roads or anything standing in our way.  Just blue skies and limitless opportunities.  No real traffic jams, just swooping and diving and having a blast.

Of course, such technology in the future could lead to a lot of accidents, as roads are what keep us in check, basically.  Without roads, we’d get lost easier, and no one would know who had right of way.  In fact, if we really think about it, it would be complete and utter chaos. People flying around, not paying attention to where they’re going, constant wrecks, and you’d obviously need to be equipped with parachutes, otherwise no one would ever survive a crash.  Some things to think about.

Technology in the future: are we ready for robots?

Here’s some food for thought:  what if the technology in the future could create robot butlers?  I mean, of course, there could be maids, too, but how wonderful would it be to no longer have to clean up.  Just make the robot do it.  No longer yelling at the kids to clean their rooms, it would already be done.  And while they’re at it, give them the ability to cook as well.  Go to work, and always come home to a home-cooked meal and a clean house.  That would be any mother’s heaven.

Then, par for the course, we’d have to examine the other side of what technology in the future would offer.  We’d have to instantly take into consideration the ageless worry that robots would take over the world.  Not so good to come home and find yourself held captive by your maid or butler instead of the warm meal you were expecting.  But what other malfunctions could affect your everyday life if things went awry with your bot?  Laundry ruined, your house burned to the ground while it was trying to cook.

Technology in the future: is time travel possible?

Ooh, ever thought if the technology in the future could offer time travel?  What would you do with it, if it was readily available?  I mean, taking into consideration the movie “The Butterfly Effect”.  Yeah, as intriguing as that idea is, I can see no good coming of such an invention.  You would have people meddling with the course of history so much, that who knows what world you would wake up in every day.

I’m usually a pretty positive person, especially when considering the technology in the future and what it may have to offer us, but I honestly cannot see one good thing coming of this invention.  Unless the exact right person was to in effect create a utopian society by altering certain events, every evil entity in the world would be scratching and clawing to get their hands on that contraption.  Lest we leave that one alone.  I think that’s best.

Technology in the future: A look back at the fifties

Did you ever watch those shows in school about technology in the future?  The ones based in the fifties or so that claimed by the year two thousand we’d be using flying cars and wearing weird jump suits?  I remember a specific one they showed us with a smart house.  The kitchen table folded down into the floor after you were done using it to make room in the kitchen.  Funny, if they could come up with those concepts for a show, why haven’t they been implemented in our everyday lives?

Of course, most of the time when you watched that technology in the future show it was usually about how we’d have flying cars by now and live in space pod-looking houses.  Ever notice how everyone was always dressed so uniformally, as if they expected technology to take us to a type of utopian place.  Well, I thought they were crazy, even as a kid.

Technology in the future: smart house?

The concept of a smart house being developed by the technology in the future is completely intriguing.  Imagine a house that would take care of all of your needs.  I’ve seen movies where the house completely takes over, but I don’t see that being a real concern as long as emotion is left out.  It does its job, and that’s that.

You wake in the morning, meander downstairs, and this marvelous technology in the future will have your favorite breakfast, or in my case coffee, waiting for you.  No mess to clean up, the home with take care of that as well.  Laundry gets tossed down a chute, where the house sorts, washes, dries, and even delivers it to your room.  You never have to worry about clutter or even a shopping list.  The house can order the groceries for you.  Nope, I do not see a single down side to having a home take care of your every need.  It would simplify your life and make more time for spending with your family.

Gaming with Technology in the future

Interactive video gaming could be a neat technology in the future.  No longer staring at a screen, but having a full body video gaming experience.  Nodes could be placed on specific nerve centers on your body in order for you to operate the game completely.  A gaming experience unlike any other.

Feeling every sensation as you push through the jungle in search of lost treasure, battling the bad guys in this out of this world technology in the future.  The capabilities are endless.  Kids could create their own little worlds and interact with friends via connections.  They could make their fantasies come alive.  Little boys could play with dragons, and little girls could be the princess at the ball.  We may not have that in real life, but no reason to deny our children the possibility of experiencing it firsthand.  I’m sure there’s a lot of adult content that it could be useful for, but we’ll stick with the innocent ones for now.

Technology in the future and how it can impact vacations

Virtual vacations.  Utilizing the technology in the future to completely eradicate the expensive need to fly or drive to your destination.  Simply plug in the exotic location you’d like to relax in, step into your virtual chamber, and let the computer do the rest.  Feel the water lapping at your toes as you soak up rays on the Caribbean Coast.  Or take that Alaskan Cruise you’ve only dreamt about.

The technology in the future could allow children to experience other cultures without the fear of something happening to them.  You can read all the time how people are abducted while on vacation, well worry no longer.  In your virtual chamber, you control every aspect of your virtual vacation, be it in the snowy north or the sunny south.  Experience Asian culture without ever stepping foot outside your door.  Visit the Eiffel Tower in Paris and have lunch in your own kitchen.  Every comfort of home with every luxury other places have to offer.

Technology in the future: protecting our children

Many pet owners have micro chipped their animals.  This allows the shelter to contact the owners immediately if the family pet gets picked up.  Why not allow the technology in the future to come up with ways to do the same with our children.  If they were to be abducted, all you’d have to do is push a button and know their exact location.

Think of all the heartbroken parents who have literally lost their children.  The technology in the future can help see that it never happens again.  No more trafficking children because we’d be able to find them in a heartbeat.  No more lost kids at the mall, afraid they’ll be kidnapped.  No more worrying if they go out front to play.  And when mommy and daddy say they will get them back, they truly mean it.  There’s no guessing, no waiting.  Your child is only a button push away.  As a parent, I would absolutely consider it.

The Fast Pace of the World Technology in the future

When I think about how far we have come in technology I am astounded. In the beginning of time everything was new. Humans had to invent everything from the homes we live in to the utensils to eat with. I bet back in the bible times they could not even begin to dream of the technology in the future.

Machines have made our lives so much easier. Washing machines helped to wash laundry quickly and efficiently. No more washing clothes by hand. Dryers made it possible to dry clothes much quicker than hanging it up to dry. I often long to live in a simpler time when family meant you stood by someone’s side. I am at least thankful for the technology in the future we have to make our lives easier. Even though I am doing all of the housework, cooking, shopping, paying the bills and taking care of the kids on my own it is not nearly as hard as it would have been before.

Technology in the future: Inventions of the 20th Century

In the 1800’s I am sure the people of that time had no idea what the technology in the future would be comprised of. The world changed so dramatically in such a short time. The Wright brothers believed in the future of technology and pursued their dreams at all costs. If it wasn’t for their ingenuity we may not have airplanes today.

An invention that we use every day was created around this time, the automobile. If it was not for Henry Ford’s innovation we may not have vehicles to drive every day. So many new and exciting technologies were invented in the 1900’s from television, VCR’s, microwaves, computers and cell phones. I remember when VCR’s were first on the market. It was so exciting to be able to watch movies at home. I also remember the first computer we had at home. It was difficult to learn because we had to learn the commands to type in but it was still so much fun. The technology in the future was a great experience to me when I was a kid.

The Better the Technology the Faster the Pace: Technology in the future

When I started my office job in the 1980’s I had no idea how much the technology in the future would change how we did clerical work. It was a long and tedious task to type and address letters to mail. If I made a mistake on my typewriter I had to use whiteout and wait for it to dry, and then retype it. There were no computers, cell phones, laser printers or microwaves. Everything took so much longer.

There were no cell phones for your boss to keep after you. I had to remember to check my messages to return my important calls. I would have to type and mail everything there were no computers, internet or email. It was a much slower paced society because we had no concept of things going faster. It was just accepted that we had to wait. With the advancement of technology in the future in society come the expectations that things should be done faster and much more efficiently.

Technology in the future: In Today but Ancient Tomorrow

I often wonder to myself if the advancement of technology is really a good thing. Everyone looks forward to the technology in the future and as fast as it progresses it is equally fast to become antiquated. If you buy a new cutting edge computer today by tomorrow it will be outdated.

I remember when video games were first introduced to the market. They were fun but it did not consume our lives. As video games have progressed in graphics, depth, content and ability the boys that grew up playing the simpler video games are still playing them today. The problem is when they play at the expense of their families. Now that they are grown up and have wives and kids it is hard for them to break away from their video game playing. I have experienced it as well as have heard wives complaining of the fact that their husbands play too many video games. The technology in the future may not be what everyone had hoped for.

What Will Technology be Like in 50 years? Technology in the future

I was searching online about the technology in the future. It amazes me how far technology has come and then I think about how in 50 years our technology will be a thing of the past. As I searched online I find things about electronic products such as advancement in computers, smart phones and electric or hybrid cars.

I read about advancements in the technology in the future in medicine. New medication cures for disease and new treatment therapies for cancer and acquired immune deficiency syndrome are being presented every day. Then I read about stem cell research and cloning, it scares me where we as human beings are going with this. Will it be that we grow people in test tubes to harvest organs or try to bring humans back to life after they have died? I was watching a program on television where they were cloning their pet dogs, maybe one day people will want to bring back a spouse or a child that has passed away.

The Flying Cars for Sale: Technology in the future

I remember watching Jetsons as a child. It was a futuristic cartoon that showed all types of fantastic gadgets and gizmos. I remember thinking will the future be like this? We often wonder about the technology in the future. Sometimes we are way off like thinking we would have flying cars and robots that would interact with us like other human beings but sometimes we are not too far off like cloning.

We watch movies that portray what the future will be like from robots that control the world to a world in desolation from war with artificial intelligence. Usually we realize that we have gone too far with our pursuits of the technology in the future and pay the price in the end. It makes me wonder what it will really be like. Will I be alive to finally see the flying car or the robotic intelligent life form that can clean your house, run your errands and take care of the children?

Technology in the future is My Boyfriend’s Passion

My boyfriend is obsessed with technology. He is constantly searching for the newest, latest technology. If he happens to find out that a new gadget is coming out that is better and faster than the one he just bought he will sell it and buy the new one. The technology in the future intrigues him. He loves to watch shows on television about the progression of technology.  He really enjoys going to the technology of tomorrow trade shows. He is constantly talking about what is new and what is up and coming.

When he wanted to pursue a career in technology it made sense. He went to school for computers and learned all of the ins and outs of computers. He already knew a lot about it but now he is at a whole different level.  Who knows, maybe he will be the next person to invent the technology in the future that no one can live without.

The Advances in Medicine Saved My Sons Life: Technology in the future

I spend a lot of time in the hospital. My son was born 15 weeks premature, he only weighed 1lb 2oz at birth. It is amazing all of the advances in medical technology. Even as little as ten years ago he would not have survived. It really makes me wonder what the technology in the future will be like. He was so tiny and so fragile, the incubator kept him safe. His lungs were so underdeveloped the ventilator sent tiny little puffs of air into his lungs to give him the oxygen that he needed.

The bigger he got and the continued need for the ventilator made it the best solution for him to get a tracheostomy done. The advances in the ventilators made them portable and easy to use so that he could come home. He was seven months old when he finally came home on his ventilator with his trach and g-tube. I was so thankful for the advances in medicine from the technology in the future.

They All Say They are Innocent: Technology in the future

I love watching crime scene investigator shows. It is so interesting how the crime is discovered and little by little the clues are set together to paint a picture. When I think back before DNA and forensics crimes would go unsolved or worse the wrong person was accused. There were innocent men in jail and it was only discovered with the advent of DNA evidence that it was proved they were innocent. It will be interesting to see what the technology in the future will hold for forensic crime investigations.

It is sad to think of someone paying the price for a crime they did not commit while the really perpetrator is free. The problem back then and even now is that everyone said they were innocent. The process is not perfect it takes a jury to see all of the evidence and decide who they believe is telling the truth and who is lying.  It is amazing that the technology in the future makes a big difference in people’s lives.

My Dad the Computer Aided Draftsman with Technology in the future

When my dad was in high school he enjoyed many of his classes but he really loved his drafting class the best. It was his niche and he decided to pursue a career in it. He was doing great he married my mom and they had me, my sister and my brother. Then as technology progressed his job became in danger. He was not prepared for the technology in the future but he did not let that detour him.

He realized that he had to move with technology or he would be left behind. He went back to school to learn about computer aided drafting and he did great. He always had a passion for the technology in the future anyway, so this was right up his alley. He is doing great now he has held his positions in computer aided drafting with job security. He has a great career and he is very happy.

Trying to Understand the Technology in the Future

We have come such a far way away from horse drawn carriages and hunting for our food. The technology in the future meant that for us we are able to mass produce food and factories make most everything affordable. The invention of automobiles made travel easier for the everyday person. The invention of airplanes made travel to other countries a reality. The invention of computers made it possible to email someone and they receive your letter almost immediately. The internet was such an amazing concept to me. I remember when I was young asking my mom what is the internet how does it work?

She chuckled at me and explained that it is not just one thing it is a network of computers that all connect with the other computers. I was amazed at the technology in the future. I am looking forward to seeing what the future will hold and hopefully human beings will thoughtful about where they want technology to go.

Space… the Final Frontier: Technology in the future

I loved to watch star trek and star wars, as a kid. I loved the thought of space travel and how the technology in the future may make it possible for all of us to travel in space one day. I imagined as a child what it would be like to be an astronaut. The thought of training for the impending launch day thrilled me. I loved to imagine what the weightlessness of space would be like.

My brother, sister and I would play games of space travel. We would imagine what it was like to travel to other planets and meet aliens. We had great imaginations and often talked about the technology in the future. My brother loved to take things apart and rebuild things. We would take an old box and make it into our space ship. We would commence launch sequence and blast off into space. It sure was great being a kid.

Cassette Tapes to CD’s to MP3 Players: Technology in the future

The times are changing so fast when it comes to technology. The technology in the future promises faster, more efficient running products, that are easier to use and smaller to carry. So far this is very true when we look back at the first cell phones they were ginormous and now they are so small you can carry them around without even feeling their weight. 

The radios of the past were so large that most women could not carry them and now the music storage devices are so tiny and music is digital. I remember the tape cassettes and how they would get caught and destroyed in the tape player. It was so upsetting to have your favorite music destroyed. Then along came the invention of compact disc’s or CD’s they were so much more efficient then tapes and they sounded so much better. Now we have storage devices like mp3 players to hold our digital music. What will the technology in the future bring for tomorrow?

Hotels and Technology in the future

I travel for my job and recently I have noticed a big change in a lot of the hotels that I have been staying at. They are constantly trying to stay above the competition with their advances in the technology in the future. The newest trends are amazing from biometrics that is technology you see in movies like retina scans which are now used to lock your hotel room for safety reasons. To a hotel room that is cleaned by built-in robotic vacuuming and disinfecting systems. Robots are being used to dispense food and drinks in hotels rooms or give a quick back and foot massage.

The more I see as I travel the more intrigued I have become. I have read about nanotechnology that promises to deliver what you want from king-sized bed or a single bed. Then there is 3-D holographic teleconferencing this is great for meetings that you are far away from, so you feel like you are in the meeting room with everyone else. The technology in the future is definitely promising.

The Technology in the future in Medicine

The technology in the future in medicine is explosive. From nanotechnology, biotechnology, computers and robots to give care and assist with surgery, it all sounds like a sci-fi movie but it is reality. Already in use at hospitals today are drug delivery devices and now pharmacogenomics are promising to one day deliver drugs that are tailor-made results for your specific genetic makeup.
The technology in the future in medicine promises such advances as brain-computer interface, computer aided diagnosis, replacement organs and gene therapy. The advances in medicine are making diagnosis easier and more definitive. It is making surgery easier and less invasive. It is making understanding diseases and curing diseases common place. It is helping us live longer and healthier lives. It is already amazing to me that a pill has been created to take your vital signs and one day there will be a pill to swallow to do surgery with. It all sounds like science fiction but it really is the future of medicine

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