Friday, February 10, 2012

BMR sample 8

Our family looking for wheelchair vans in Florida

If you’re searching for wheelchair vans in Florida, one place you could go to VMI Select Dealer Network.  You enter your zip code and it will give you a list of participating dealerships in your area.  You can compare inventory of the available dealers and find out what financing criteria each offers.

My family and I had moved into a suburb on the outskirts of Florida, so we put our information in and got the closest place that sell wheelchair vans in Florida.  Our daughter was confined to a wheelchair, and although we had made modifications to our current van, we much preferred to upgrade to larger vehicle with more accommodations.  They took our old van in as a trade in which gave us some credit towards the new one.  We spent several hours mulling over the different styles and package options, until we could settle on just the right one.  It took a few days to get it from the manufacturer, but when we did, it was more than we could have ever expected.

Glad to sell wheelchair vans in Florida

A new family moved in next door.  We never got a good look at them, but the next thing we knew, construction crews were tearing up the front entry.  Confused as to what was going on, I was about to ask, when the father came knocking on our door.  “Do you know where they sell wheelchair vans in Florida?” he asked.  Bewildered, I simply answered back that the dealership I worked for was one of the few places that did sell wheelchair vans in Florida.

I gave him my business card and asked what all the construction was about.  He told me that their teenage daughter had been in a pretty bad accident and instead of facing her classmates, he had taken a new job and the family moved to get a new start.  They were building a ramp in front to make it more accessible for her and her wheelchair.  I welcomed them into the neighborhood and looked forward to seeing him later.

It’s better with wheelchair vans in Florida

I used to sell wheelchair vans in Florida before moving out to the west coast.  I tried to switch it up a bit and got a job at a high end car lot.  Not used to the attitudes of the rich and not-so-famous, it was a huge change.  My former clientele consisted of families, mostly, and independent persons who were in need of some extra help.  Everyone had always been so kind and gracious, always keeping in touch afterwards.  Here in Cali, was a whole other set of clients that didn’t appreciate a single thing you said or did.

It did not take long for me to realize that my true calling was selling the wheelchair vans in Florida.  I sold the house I bought, and moved myself back to Florida as fast as I could.  I didn’t get to buy my old house back, but did manage to find an upgrade in the same neighborhood.

Understanding the odds wheelchair vans in Florida

Ever wonder why there are so many wheelchair vans in Florida?  There are also a high number of dealerships which specialize in the sales of handicap vehicles along with modification parts.  One guess is that the number of accidents is higher in the state of Florida.  Too many kids thinking their invincible and decided to risk it all, then find themselves in a difficult situation.

Or, you have a huge number of drunk drivers all together and hurting those around them by driving intoxicated which leads to more need for wheelchair vans in Florida.  So, the debate remains as to whether alcohol or simple stupidity leads to more accidents.  It is because of the young not knowing better, or the lack of intolerance due to the consumption of alcohol.  Either way, neither one will aid your ability to make the best decision.  You need to be in the bed mind set possible to decide which is more important.

My Strange Encounter with Wheelchair vans in Florida

When I worked as a police officer down in Florida I had plenty of strange encounters. One day I was having strange encounters left and right. I had to pull over a wheelchair van; in Florida this was not unusual but definitely uncommon.

The van was travelling at 85 mph in a 55 mph area.  I walked up the side of the van by the driver side window. I saw a man with hand controls on the steering wheel. He had his window down and I asked him what the hurry was. The man stated my wife is in labor. I looked over to the passenger side. She was pregnant, and looked like she was undoubtedly in labor. I told the man I would give them a police escort to the hospital.

I could not believe this actually happened. Not only did I pull over a wheelchair van in Florida, but I had to give a police escort to the hospital for a woman in labor.

Hurry Get Your Wheelchair off the Wheelchair van in Florida

When I police escorted a wheelchair van in Florida I was not expecting what would happen next to happen.  We arrived safely at the hospital and the man said to take his wife in because she was close to having this kid and he had to get his wheelchair out of the van.

I quickly grabbed a wheelchair and wheeled her into the hospital. When I went in the receptionist quickly grabbed the wheelchair away from me and said come this way. I tried to explain that I was not the father that the real father had to get his wheelchair off of his wheelchair van; in Florida things move fast, and I did not have a chance to explain.

They were getting the woman in the room and trying to gown me up! I said STOP I am not the father. Everyone in the hospital stared at me. An old woman gave me a dirty look.

Dad is the One in the Wheelchair van in Florida

As I was being whisked into a delivery room with a woman I did not know terror sweep over me. It all started when I pulled over a wheelchair van in Florida for speeding. The husband was driving and I offered them a police escort which they gladly accepted. The woman seemed to be in a lot of pain and needed to get to the hospital safely and quickly which is what we did.

 As we pulled up the man told me he needed to get his wheelchair off the wheelchair van; in Florida you see people getting their chairs off of wheelchair vans and it takes a while. I understood what he meant, and he asked me to get his wife in there, so I did. Now they are trying to get me ready for the delivery because they think I am dad. I told them I am not the father, and everyone was giving me dirty looks, then I saw dad wheeling up in his wheelchair. He is the father I stated I was giving them a police escort.

I’m not the owner of the Wheelchair van in Florida

I was so glad that the real dad was taken into the delivery room. I let out a huge sigh of relief, and I noticed people around me snickering. Yeah it was funny. I had pulled over a wheelchair van in Florida which was not uncommon, but his wife was in labor and the hospital staff assumed I was the father.  I went and sat down on a chair in the waiting area.

I was so nervous that it took a while for the adrenalin to disperse from my body. I am a police officer, and I chase bad guys all the time and this scared me more. When I gave a police escort to a wheelchair in Florida I didn’t think much of it until I discovered that the driver’s wife was in labor. I replayed the scenario over in my head thinking of if there was a time I could have said that I was not the father before the time that I did. I came to the conclusion that there was not, and at least I stopped them when I did.

Let’s Not Deliver in the Wheelchair Van in Florida

My shift was over, and I kind of wanted to see how the delivery went. I called my wife to explain where I was and what had happened. I told her about my last stop of the day, and how I had the misfortune of pulling over a wheelchair van, in Florida it was a hot day and the van was going 30 miles over the speed limit.

I told her that they ended up needing a police escort to the hospital because the driver’s wife was in labor, which I gave them. After a misunderstanding of me being the father now the real father was in the delivery room, and I was waiting in the waiting room. My wife thought it was hilarious because she knows that I am terrified of needles and blood, I would not do well in a delivery. I was just glad that she didn’t need to deliver the baby in the wheelchair van, in Florida anything is possible.

Thank You Wheelchair vans in Florida

I thought about how things could have gone differently. I was thankful we arrived safely at the hospital. I was thinking about all the crazy things that happened the day I pulled over the wheelchair vans in Florida. I remember it like it was yesterday, in the end I was just thankful that the baby and mom were healthy. They had a baby girl, and I was too nervous to hold her, she was so tiny. That was the day that I decided I wanted to be a daddy.

Thanks to pulling over that wheelchair vans in Florida, we now have our own little girl. We are now living in California, but I will never forget that day. The excitement never ended on that job. Working as a police officer was definitely a difficult job. You never knew what to expect from one day to the next. You definitely see the strange and unusual working as a cop.

Looking for a Wheelchair vans in Florida

As I sat on the internet looking for wheelchair vans in Florida, I thought about how my life had changed in the blink of an eye. It was a dark, snowy night, and I was driving home from work late one night. I hit a patch of black ice, and I spun my car into the oncoming traffic. That was all I remember from that night. Apparently a semi-truck was coming straight for me and hit my passenger side. When I looked at my little car I was so thankful that no one was in my car with me. They would not have survived.

I was glad that I was alive, but I am in a wheelchair now. You never think that something like this would happen to you, but you really never know. There were actually a lot of wheelchairs vans in Florida for sale. I knew that I needed to get a van to get around but, the thought of leaving the house did not thrill me.

Temporary Wheelchair van in Florida

I didn’t want to feel sorry for myself, but it is hard to go from an independent woman to depending on people to do everything for you. My husband was trying, but I know that this was very hard for him. I felt like an anchor to him now. He told me that he wanted to look for a wheelchair van in Florida. I know he was really having a hard time accepting that I may never walk again from my car accident.

He said just temporarily we will find one of those wheelchair vans in Florida, so we can get around until I am walking again. I felt like screaming at him I may never walk again. The doctor said that there was some nerve repair in my spinal cord, and I may be able to walk with a walker if I worked really hard with physical therapy. I almost completely broke my back; it was very badly fractured and caused a lot of damage to the nerves.

Going to look at a Wheelchair van in Florida

My kids, my husband and my friends looked at me different. I hated the fact that I was in a wheelchair. I was falling into a deep depression. My husband was so excited to find a wheelchair van in Florida for sale that was not too far from where we live. I really had no desire to go anywhere, much less to look for a van that meant I had to leave the house more often.

The kids begged me to go. I reluctantly agreed. It was such a huge pain to get in the car, my whole body hurt. Maybe the wheelchair van in Florida was not such a bad idea. I didn’t like going out though. I saw how people looked at me. I almost told a lady take a picture it will last longer one day at the store. People are so rude do they think I like standing out in the crowd.

The Really Nice Wheelchair vans in Florida

As we pulled up to the car dealership that had the wheelchair vans in Florida for sale, I found myself feeling nervous. My kids were excited because they didn’t like that I stayed at the house most of the time. I didn’t mind, I hated go out since I came home after my car accident. My spine was damaged, so I was in a wheelchair now. I know I was depressed but I didn’t care.

My husband got my wheelchair out and I waited. I felt nervous looking at all the people at the dealership. I felt like a freak how people stared at me in a wheelchair. They had a few of the best wheelchair vans in Florida for sale here. They were new and had a lot of great features. They were expensive, but my husband didn’t care, he wanted me to be more independent again. I know he missed the old me, but I realized that I would never be the same again.

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