Friday, February 10, 2012

BMR sample 2

A Used Wheelchair Van for My Independence

I decided when I had my accident that I was not going to sit around and just let life go by. I was told that I would never walk again. I was a paraplegic and now I would be in a wheelchair. I worked hard through physical therapy to build up my upper strength. It took me a while to deal with the fact that I could not feel my legs. When it was time to be released from the rehab facility I started to think about trying to purchase a used wheelchair van.  

My parents said that they wanted to help me but I have always been independent. The thought of depending on them for everything made me feel worthless. I talked with the social worker about finding a used wheelchair van to help me with my mobility. I needed to be able to drive and get places on my own. She understood my feelings and told me she would help me.

Finding a Grant for My Used Wheelchair Van

After my accident that claimed my ability to walk and put me in a wheelchair I needed to find a used wheelchair van. The social worker agreed and set about to help me get a grant. I was very thankful since I have been in the hospital for so many months I have nearly depleted my savings. I had a lot of paper work to fill out and she helped me through it all, she was awesome.

As the day got closer to my release from the rehab facility I was starting to get so nervous. I would have to wait to get my used wheelchair van and I had to rely on my parents to take me everywhere. I felt like a little kid again, I hated it. When the social worker called and told me that the funding had gone through and that she was looking into which van to get I was so happy.

The Day Finally arrived to get My Used Wheelchair Van

After all of the long waiting the time was finally here. I was finally going to get my used wheelchair van. I was thrilled at the idea that I could drive myself anywhere I wanted to go. I wouldn’t have to ask my parents to bring me anywhere. I would have some shred of independence back. It was so hard for me when I became a paraplegic following a terrible car accident. I felt like everyone looked at me like a charity case. Everyone was thinking that poor girl, she was so young and her life was taken away.

Well that is not the case. I am a fighter and my life is not over with. I felt like I had so much to prove but not to everyone else, to myself. My parents packed me up and we headed to the dealership that had three used wheelchair vans in stock and I was going to choose the one I wanted.

A Used Wheelchair Van to You but My New Wheels to Me

As my parents and I pulled up to the dealership to pick out my used wheelchair van the excitement was astounding. I felt like a kid at Christmas time. Never in my life would I have imagined that I would be wheelchair bound. I was so active and loved to play sports. My boyfriend and I would go camping and biking. We would go climbing and hiking. We loved the outdoors. Ever since I was little I was independent and when I turned 18 I moved out.

Now a car accident has claimed my ability to walk. At first I was very depressed but then I realized I am still alive. I still have living to do I am only 23 years old I am not a quitter. My parents wanted me to move in with them so they can help me and that was fine temporarily. I have no intention on staying living at home they just don’t know that yet. The first step is getting my used wheelchair van so that I can drive myself where I need to go.

A Wheelchair and a Used Wheelchair Van I Have So Many Wheels

As I pushed my wheelchair through the auto dealership following the salesman I noticed people’s eyes on me. It irritated me so much to feel like a freak. I wanted to shout out “I’ve been in a car accident, haven’t you ever seen someone in a wheelchair before”. I mean my goodness I am here to buy a used wheelchair van not get a job in the circus.

Finally we were at the place where the used wheelchair vans were. There were three of them and I had the grant money to get any one I wanted. First I inspected the outside of each one while my parents talked to the salesman about the safety features etc. I wasn’t concerned about that. They were all around the same year and had close to the same amount of mileage so that wasn’t an issue. I had to get into each one and see which one felt right.

Will I Ever Find My Used Wheelchair Van?

While I was at the auto dealership to buy one of three used wheelchair vans.  I was focused. I didn’t care that everyone in the store was staring at me like a caged monkey I need my wheels, my independence.

I decided to get into the black mini-van first. I like the way it looked, sporty and not too old. I mean after all I am a young woman I needed a cool ride. It was not easy to get into the van and then I had to find a way to get the wheelchair over to the lift. I did not have the complete upper body strength to accomplish it. I wanted to be able to do it on my own not with someone else’s help.

On to the second of the three used wheelchair vans. This one was a gold color not exactly my style but all I cared about was being able to get in and get my chair in as well.

Could this be the One My Used Wheelchair Van?

The second of the three used wheelchair vans I was looking at was closer to the fit that I needed. Even though I did not care for the gold color I could lift myself into the van and put my wheelchair in the lift. It was a hard stretch but it was feasible.  I checked out the hand controls, it would be weird driving with my hands instead of my feet. I didn’t care I imagined myself on the open road again.

Now I just needed to try out the third used wheelchair van and see which one was better. The third one looked a little more beat up. Someone definitely got some use out of this van. The salesman told me this one was special. The girl that owned it was about my age and she loved it for her independence. I opened the front driver’s side door to get in and there was no driver seat.

I Finally Found My Used Wheelchair Van

The third used wheelchair van was awesome. It didn’t have a driver seat and the lift was behind the sliding passenger door on the driver side. I would not have to even get out of my wheelchair. I would get on the lift in my wheelchair and lock myself into position at the steering wheel. This was it, the size was perfect, and the hand controls were perfect.

I finally found my used wheelchair van. Everything about it was perfect. I was so excited that I would be able to drive again. I could go where I wanted, when I wanted, and I did not need anyone else’s help. I felt like this was a huge step toward gaining my independence again since my car accident. All I could think about when we were doing the paperwork is where I was going to go first. I knew I wanted to visit my boyfriend I hadn’t seen him in months, and now was the perfect opportunity.

My First Outing in My Used Wheelchair Van

When I finally got my first used wheelchair van it was the best day ever. My parents were worried because of the car accident I had been in they didn’t understand my desire to drive again. I just felt so different from everyone else now. I could not feel my legs, I could not walk and I depended on everyone else for so much. This is more depressing then I could imagine.

I loved my independence and it was rudely taken away from me. I decided the first thing I was going to do for myself was to buy a used wheelchair van, so I could drive myself places. I hadn’t needed anyone to drive me anywhere since I was a kid. I was thrilled when I found the perfect fit van for myself. I drove out of the dealership feeling like I had won the lotto. I told my parents that I was going to visit my boyfriend and that I would be home later. It felt so good.

My Used Wheelchair Van Perfect For My Stubborn Side

I decided to surprise my boyfriend. He lived 45 minutes away from me so I understood why he couldn’t come see me very often. We talked on the phone all the time but I really missed him. I was so excited to show him my used wheelchair van. It was used but I was certain it was made for me. My parents were not so thrilled about me driving 45 minutes by myself but I was stubborn and they knew it. Beside I am an adult technically they could not tell me I couldn’t go.

As I drove on the highway I felt so free. I wasn’t so different from everyone else when I drove. I felt like a normal human being again. The wind felt so good it was a perfect warm sunny day. My used wheelchair van fit me like a glove. I was so excited to show my boyfriend my new van. As I turned the corner I saw him outside by his car.

All I had was My Used Wheelchair Van

My heart started to flutter when I drove down the street of my boyfriend’s house. I was so excited to show him my used wheelchair van I drove 45 minutes just to see him.  He was getting out of his car and I saw him. Then I saw a girl get out of the passenger side of his car. He walked around the car to close the door and they kissed. I felt like my heart was going to stop. I pressed hard on the hand-controlled brakes and it made a horrible screeching sound.

He looked up and our eyes met. I could see the guilt in his eyes. He started to walk over to the other side of my used wheelchair van and all I could think about was I needed to get out of there. I pressed on the gas as hard as I could and took off before he had the chance to say anything to me.

He is Lucky I Didn’t Run Him Over with My Used Wheelchair Van

I drove away in my used wheelchair van as the tears started flowing down my cheeks. How could my boyfriend lie to me? How could he be seeing someone else? I really believed all of his lies about working late and not being able to make the 45 minute drive to see me.

Everyone said he was not supporting me when I needed him most. I was blind because I really loved him. I wanted to believe he really loved me too. We had been together for three years before my accident. He told me that no matter what he would be by my side. He told me he didn’t care if I couldn’t walk that he loved me and that was all that mattered. As I made the 45 minute drive back to my parents’ house I thought about how happy this day had been. I finally found my used wheelchair van and I was gaining back my independence and he ruined my great day.

The Drive Home in My Used Wheelchair Van

I could just hear my parents now. We told you he wouldn’t stay by your side. We thought it was strange that he never came to see you. It’s not like you could go see him. We told you so. I dreaded the thought of it. At least my used wheelchair van was driving great. I enjoyed the freedom I felt but now my heart was broken. It was shattered and I needed to get home. All I thought was I needed my mom and dad. They were right I was such a fool.

I had to stop to get gas.  I didn’t even pay attention as everyone stared at me getting out of my used wheelchair van. I filled my gas tank and got back into my van. I didn’t even notice that the tears were flowing down again. A woman came up to the van to ask if I was alright. I just nodded my head no and drove away.

I Parked My Used Wheelchair Van

As I turned the corner to my street in my used wheelchair van all I thought was I needed to get home. I was physically and emotionally exhausted. I had such a great life before my accident. I was happy. I had a great job that I loved. I had a great boyfriend that I loved. We were active together. We went jogging and played sports. I loved life.

My car accident took so much away from me. I struggled and fought to get to the point I am at now. I had to build my upper body strength to do everything with my arms. I had to fight to get my used wheelchair van so I can have some independence. Now I feel like, what did I fight for? For the first time since my accident I felt like I had no hope. I will never fit in to normal society again. I am a freak and no one will ever want to be with me.

My Used Wheelchair Van Drove Like a Dream

I pulled into my parents drive way. They told me they would leave a spot for my used wheelchair van in the garage. I dreaded going in there and telling them that they were right about my boyfriend. He was cheating on me. At the same time I really wanted to go in and tell them what happened so I can cry in their arms.

I wheeled my way to the front door and my mom opened the door. She heard me in the garage. She looked so happy until she saw my face. I really wasn’t sure how my parents were going to respond to the news but they were very angry at him. I told them that the used wheelchair van worked great. It drove like a dream but then I drove into my worst nightmare. My dad wanted to go give him a piece of his mind. My mom just held me. It felt so good to be comforted.

Where to buy wheelchair vans

If you’ve at any time wondered where by to buy wheelchair vans, enable me to give you a handful of choices. You'll find a good number of places you could come across on-line, to buy Mobility Vans in the USA, which provide both equally new and pre-owned vans. You'll be able to cruise by their options with great ease. They've got total dimensions vans, mini vans, in conjunction with a number of cargo vans and buses.

The moment you have looked at the ways to buy wheelchair vans and what they've got to offer, you will find a number of tabs exclusively for answering any questions you will have. In the event you cannot come across the solution online, you'll be able to phone their amount to speak to a live man or woman. They could offer assistance with your final decision so that you can rest assured you are picking the very best wheel chair.

My aunt had to buy wheelchair vans

One of my cousins was in an incident in high school. Sadly it still left him not able to work with his legs, and confined to some wheelchair. I went with my aunt one particular day to look at investing in wheelchair vans. These vans are particularly equipped to allow entry, ordinarily by the use of a chair elevate, for anyone in wheelchairs. So, we decided to buy wheelchair vans.

We went to some local supplier that specialized in helping someone buy wheelchair vans. Given that you can find a lot of a lot more intricacies which have a handicapped accessible automobiles, it’s best to head to an authorized vendor instead of going through a private purchaser. Regardless of whether it charges you far more, you can get the insurance plan of getting support in the event that your elevator or another mechanism starts faltering. They had been highly friendly, and when she had selected just the one she liked, they walked her through the credit score application. Everything went fine, and we drove the van off to our home that day. My cousin was so energized to check out the new van as we pulled up to the house in his special van.

My friend helps people buy wheelchair vans

My friend and I were both in the business where we help others buy wheelchair vans. He pointed out to me that it was the best industry to help people while selling. I used to be extremely baffled as to why someone along with his expertise would go from advertising high-end cars and trucks to advertising handicapped available automobiles. I understood the money couldn’t be as good, so I pressed the issue asking if it made any difference.

He explained that his unexpected interest to help others buy wheelchair vans was because of his niece. She was adopted by his sister and was confined to a wheelchair. She had been born premature and had never ever fully produced the leg energy. When he observed her the 1st time and seen her story, he was genuinely moved and manufactured the choice appropriate then to leave shallow environment he was in and do a little something important with his existence. His initial step was selling autos which were particularly for specific youngsters like her.

Would you like to buy wheelchair vans?

Wheel chair vans could be particularly pricey. They will create a serious hardship on reduced profit family members who are transporting their handicapped loved ones. But alas these are necessary to assist in making living even minimally simpler. It is extremely difficult to choose a wheelchair when travelling inside of a car, therefore, there are people that can help you buy wheelchair vans. Buying a van is most effective when transporting someone in a wheelchair.

In the event you no longer need to get rid of a wheelchair van, because you have an old one that you are no longer working with, as opposed to promoting them, yet another option is always to donate them. There’s a business named buy wheelchair vans for all that may want to donate handicapped obtainable vans and make them reasonably priced for households who could not or otherwise purchase them. Not only could you just have the benefit of a tax write-off, but you can do anything understanding it may help people just a small amount. That is what definitely makes a difference.

People appreciate help to buy wheelchair vans

We had been out grocery shopping just one day, and even though loading the gadgets into our vehicle wasn’t that difficult, a guy in a wheelchair rolled in to the parking lot in a handicap accessible van. When the doors opened, a small chair lift folded down, letting him roll onto it. I requested that my mother find out how to buy wheelchair vans. She explained to me it was an individual of with those vans need help because of their disabilities.

She mentioned that mobility vans come with chair lifts that merely help them up and let them roll right into the van. She said that we had no use in finding out how to buy wheelchair vans unless we wanted to find out so we could buy one for someone else. We both decided that would be a good Christmas present for an unfortunate child that may not be able to afford it. So, we decided to buy one.

When you buy wheelchair vans, they help people

Just one variety of vehicles that accommodates handicapped men and women is a wheel chair van. They offer the comfort and aid for just an individual with disabilities to journey without difficulty. You will discover that a wheelchair has some features such as, with transportation, the racks you may anchor to the back of your respective vehicle, nevertheless they do not offer you or even the human being any kind of ease or comfort that wheelchair vans present. It is much easier to buy wheelchair vans.

They come equipped with chair lifts, or at least the majority of them do. These chair lifts can decrease to your floor and permit the individual to roll onto the platform, and then lifts them into the auto. When lifted, they roll right in and also have the choice (in the majority of them) to both anchor you to the ground, or for your particular person to easily transfer on their own around onto an exact van seat. The significantly less they've got to count on other folks, the higher they will experience about themselves. If you need help to buy wheelchair vans, you can find it online.

When you buy wheelchair vans, they offer a feeling of normalcy

Have you ever before wonder what those vans are that transport handicapped folks? They can be ordinarily referred to as wheelchair vans. Considering the fact that they live in a very world wherever every little thing is significantly tricky, these automobiles make it possible for them to feel a tad bit normal, with as small of work as is possible. Therefore many handicap families will buy wheelchair vans.

The chair lifts them and their wheelchairs up into the auto. Handicapped individuals can anchor themselves in or slide to a seat next to them. It's wonderful what technology has long been capable of producing such a car that might allow for them even the slightest little bit of normalcy. When confined to that chair, they will feel a flood of emotions that the rest of us could never ever comprehend. Individual’s wheelchair vans help persons experience things which they wouldn’t commonly get to feel. They can feel like the remainder of us. And for at the time get to dream of the times when they, too, could simply just jump from a van. Therefore, if you have a loved one who does not have one, it would help them to buy wheelchair vans.

When you buy wheelchair vans, it helps both the person and the care taker

You at any time see a handicapped individual wheel into a van that, the doorways open up, a mechanical raise glides down, lets them roll on, and then lifts them up so as to permit them to roll straight into your vehicle? These individuals buy wheelchair vans. These are manufactured particularly for handicapped folks who cannot get around quite like other’s do. If you are trying to find improved transportation with a lot less of the trouble for you and your loved one, wheelchair vans are the answer.

They come outfitted with technology which will allow the person’s working with the mobility van the opportunity to come to feel as normal as humanly possible while constricted inside the confines of an auto. These definitely will be the very best alternatives for the individual and the caretaker. It enables effortless accessibility for your particular person while offering the caretaker less to worry about. Contrary to typical racks that affix to the back of automobiles, these vans give each individual man or woman the freedom to not stress about the wheelchair and its occupant. Therefore, if you buy wheelchair vans, you will not be disappointed.

You can buy Wheelchair vans instead of transfer seats

For people that struggle being able to get in and out of their auto, it may appear that the only way of going places is to use the transfer seats, however, many people find that it is much easier to buy wheelchair vans. These vans help an individual to move and feel just a little more normal as the individual is far more likely to feel abnormal than any other person.

If you want to buy wheelchair vans, but you are thinking, you just don’t have the money, you can find places that can help you. No individual should be without, and there are a few places that take used vans and sell at a cheaper more affordable price so that lower income individuals to buy. Likewise, if you have a used van, you can help someone else by selling it to one of these companies. This allows for all individuals to experience a normal life like everyone else.

When you buy wheelchair vans make sure safeguards are taken

A wheelchair van may give you all of the independence that you simply want to have when living your life. Needless to say, there are some critical choices you will need for making when you buy wheelchair vans, such as factors like no matter whether you need a wheelchair raise or a ramp, whether or not you want hand controls installed and what seating configuration will be ideal for you as well as your family members. All of such possibilities can perform an essential part in your present-day way of living as well as simplicity your vehicle adds to it.

On the other hand, you’ll also have to contemplate another thing - your security whilst in the car. You must ensure that you possess the proper restraints available when you buy wheelchair vans, or else you will have to have seating available exactly where the individual or folks can get out of their chairs and transfer to an actual van seat. Although most persons necessitate lap belt restraints, you will wish to guarantee that the restraints furnished are definitely more suited to the type of passenger you're transporting.

The Configurations when you buy wheelchair vans

There are plenty of configurations to take into account when you buy wheelchair vans. On the list of varieties of configurations is side entry. This possibility lets a handicap accessible uniquely have access to the driver’s seat. This allows them with the capability of managing the automobile entirely by themselves. This enables much additional independence and mobility around the handicapped persons’ life, which in turn may make them come to feel extra independent.

A different configuration you should consider when you buy wheelchair vans would be to get front passenger accessibility in order that the wheelchair person can wheel themselves up in to the entrance passenger seat. If these selections will not be everything you are looking for, there are actually many more which have a  selection from no seats to quite a few seats in again in which the folks can either continue being within the wheelchair when in movement, or transfer to a different available seat. There are also possibilities which allow rear entry, but those may be far more high priced and limit the mobility from the wheelchair-bound folks.

I went to buy Wheelchair Vans for My Son

When my son was born premature at twenty five months I'd no concept what a rollercoaster journey we would be going on. It had been very up in the air at first and we undoubtedly took it one day in a time. He was so very small at 1 pound 2 ounces, and I had no idea that one day I would have to buy wheelchair vans as he would not be able to walk.

He was in the hospital for a great number of months and at last they claimed he would be able to be off all oxygen, but would be bound to a wheelchair his entire life. He took a change for your worse and we needed to fly him down condition into a specialty children’s hospital. They were not confident that he would live this time. He is a fighter and he did pull through. His lungs had been seriously harmed and he needed to get a tracheostomy and g-tube. We also had to buy wheelchair vans for his daily living.

we will buy wheelchair vans

When my son eventually arrived to our residence from the children’s hospital, he required a bit more stuff than we ever thought possible. We needed to use a ventilator. They thought that a tracheostomy would be adequate to help him but he required the extra assistance for his very small harmed lungs. The trip back up property was arranged for him. I hoped that we would not need to buy wheelchair vans for him later.

I'd no idea that one particular day we would need to have one of those wheelchair vans for ourselves. Soon after we brought our son home, we had a whole lot of adjusting to perform. He was extremely medically delicate and would go down very fast if he disconnect through the ventilator. It was so scary for your initial five or six months I really do not believe we slept really a great deal if we did not possess a homecare nurse. He had some truly ill spells wherever he went again into the hospital and he had a handful of close phone calls in which he almost lost his life. Today, he is fine, but we had to buy wheelchair vans in order to transport him as he still cannot walk.

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